Sunday, June 29, 2008

TBDC's new website

Yay! - The renovated TBDC website is live. I have to say that being involved with this project has been an educational process for me. Don't believe anyone who says it's a piece of cake that can be easily managed by one person. Just choosing images can take hours if not days, not to mention creating and editing new copy for each page.

If I can offer any advice it would be to be absolutely clear on the purpose of your website before proceeding. Think of your website as an employee, what are your expectations and what measurements will you put in place to gauge performance? Would you hire anyone without a job description?

In closing, can you do it yourself? Probably yes.

Perhaps a more important question to as is: Should I do it myself? The answer to this question will depend on how you plan to make the best use of your resources.

Richard Sakanashi

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