Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thoughtful Thursdays - What is sales?

Today's thought comes from a higher level view of sales. Rather than talk about tactics let's consider what sales actually is.

We know that the goal is to make a sale, but what does the sales process do?

It is described by many as the process that converts prospects to customers. I can not disagree with this; a successful close accomplishes exactly that. Depending on the business, this can take minutes or months, but this does not really answer the question posed.

Doesn't the sales process in fact facilitate another process - the buying process?

To facilitate is defined by Merriam-Webster as verb meaning "to make easier", or "help bring about." It then follows that sales is a process that helps others make a buying decision easier.

A learned colleague of mine allows me to use his words: "Stop selling and start helping."

Never forget that you are there to help make it easy for your prospect to say "yes" and craft your sales approach accordingly.

Good selling,

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