Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thoughtful Thursdays - Learn from the people you buy from

I would be willing to bet you have a list of product or service providers you prefer to do business with.

Maybe it is the favourite restaurant you frequent and no matter hwo many times you read the menu, you end up ordering "the usual". Your server may already know you and ask if you if want "the usual".

It could also the service station you have to drive a bit further to get to now, but you always go there when your car is in need of service.

How about the hair stylist you have followed from salon to salon over the years?

The list goes on...

Today, think about why you continue to take your business to these businesses and list the reasons. Review the list and ask yourself if your customers feel the same way about you.
You can learn a lot from the people you buy from.

Good selling,

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