Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thoughtful Thursdays - More thoughts on time

Two weeks ago my post Is time your friend or foe? talked about modifying or putting new routines in place in order to have better control over the use of your time. In other words, doing something different to buy some of your time back.

I don't think I would be going out on a limb by saying that the majority of people are being asked to do more with less.What insights can you draw from this tidbit of information? You might be encountering objections based on a perceived lack of time to move your sales efforts forward.

I have encountered the objection myself: "Richard, we just don't have the time to test your product right now".  The gauntlet was clearly laid down and my challenge was to find them the time.

Obviously it was not as simple as adding an extra hour to the clock as the above image might suggest. In each case it required me to review and confirm the numbers. In order to advance the sales process I had to have a plausible story that would raise the level urgency of having our products tested. Based on previous experience, the call to action was not based the on short term costs of conducting trials, but the price they would pay in the long run by delaying them.

Good selling,

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