Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wise Wednesdays - Pillar # 4: Character

Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree.
- Abraham Lincoln

Pillar # 4 - Character

This pillar is the most important but the hardest to describe. Here are some general observations but this is by no means complete:

Commitment - Entrepreneurs are more like marathon runners than sprinters. There is sense of endurance; of determination to see their venture through to the end. They are not just dreamers but realize one needs practical solutions. They are results oriented. They stay true to their values while being flexible in their approach.

Sacrifice – You must be willing to give something major up like cutting your income in half for the next two years and/or working 12-16 hour days/ 6 days a week for the next two years and/or doing things you would never want to do like selling. Anything worth having requires sacrifice.

Accept personal responsibility - Those who are successful are people who fully accept responsibility for what happens (they don’t play the blame game). Ultimately it is their quest to do their best regardless of the circumstances. They may get knock down but they pick themselves up again. You have heard this before but attitude gives you latitude. You don’t have to go around with rose coloured glasses thinking everybody loves you but having a healthy world view – one that reinforces hard work and integrity – will serve you well.

Create a support network – Those who have the support of family and friends and can create a network of contacts and even a mentor have a better chance of success. Smart entrepreneurs get out and create and nurture such a network.

What I find most fascinating is that your true colours come out when you run a business. You can’t hide behind an office or blame the boss. It’s great journey and a courageous one.

What other character traits have you come across?

Drop me a line.



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