Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thoughtful Thursdays - "I'm working my website..."

If had a dollar for every time I have heard a new business owner say that they have not been able to achieve promotional or sales targets because they had to work on their website or design brochures... well you know the rest of this line.

I understand that many start-up businesses are on tight financial budgets. I also understand that with the way technology is today, most anyone can design and their own materials.

I have difficulty understanding why it appears, based on their behaviour, so many new business owners feel their value proposition - the reason people will buy from them - is their website or brochure. I am not including e-commerce businesses in this today's thought as it is a given that a website will be in place for an e-commerce business launch.

This is not to say that a website is not important, the point is this: should you be doing the work if it you are not an expert?

Here's a thought: How about having your customers pay you for your products/services and using the profits to hire a professional to design and develop your website?

Allocate your most valuable resource, time, to promotion and sales activities. The sooner you make sales, the sooner you will be able to hire a web firm and get the website you want.

Good selling,


  1. It’s nice to say you "A Website is not important, the point is this: should you be doing the work if it you are not an expert?" But web site playing a very important roll in businesses start-up and web Development Company’s are very helpful in web site design and web development.

  2. Thank you for your comments, I agree that a web presence is very important for most businesses. Just make sure to include it as a strategy in your marketing plan along with all the associated costs in your financial plan.
