Friday, December 12, 2008

Getting into the Holiday Spirit

A lot of companies have put a hold on holiday parties due to the state of our economy. I think it's a shame not to have some fun and get to know each other better, and believe or not, a holiday gathering can lead to higher productivity. I went to our TBDC party yesterday and it was great.

Here are my tips

1) For company owners:

The holiday season is upon us and whether the past year was been good or bad for your organization the holidays are a key time to recognize and show appreciation for hard work well done. Your party or lunch does not heave to be an expensive event - it’s the thought that counts.

2) For employees:

Go to the party, you are never too old, too young or too cool to enjoy the holiday season. Have a good time and keep all your conversations positive. Things can get very serious these days so take the opportunity to have a fun and enjoy life!

Happy Holidays Everyone



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