Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thoughtful Thursdays - If it's so good, why doesn't it sell?

We have heard it before, "What a great idea!", "I should get one of those!", "I know someone who could really use that.", "I could use those services"... but the orders don't materialize.

If it is so good, why doesn't it sell?

If you ask me, it is because the prospect has not been convinced the value of the product or service is worth the purchase price.

It is your responsibility to your business to find out why:
  1. Have to correctly identified the prospects needs?
  2. Is the prospect clear on what is being offered?
  3. Have you confirmed #1 and #2 with the prospect?
In many cases it is the the third question where the process breaks down. We sometimes make assumptions that make it easy to come up with "excuses" as to why the sale does not close. It is easier than asking questions that may have answers we do not want to hear.

Do not be afraid to ask the question "Why?"

Good selling,

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