Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wise Wednesdays - Do You Have a Coach?

Interdependence is and ought to be as much the ideal of man as self-sufficiency. Man is a social being.
- Mohandas Gandhi

Last week I talked about the importance of knowing “what game you’re playing” or knowing the competition.

What should be clear is that you can’t expect to succeed on your own. Yes you heard right. If it’s going to happen it’s up to you AND you can’t do it alone!

You may be the driver of your business but you need to ensure you are connecting with others. Especially with mentors or coaches: Someone who can advise you, guide you, champion you and support you especially when things are down. Someone, also, who can give you a good dose of a reality.

Dr. Basil Peters, who is a successful entrepreneur and has written, Early Exits (how to start a business and sell it for a significant profit) believes the most controllable success factor for entrepreneurs is getting a mentor. Sometimes a mentor is not possible but a good coach is.

The difference is that a mentor is a successful entrepreneur while a coach, may or may not be an entrepreneur, but knows how to make sure you stay the course and gives you valuable feedback. You may have to have various mentors and coaches along the way.

Next week I’ll tell you how to go about doing just that – getting a coach or mentor.



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