Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thoughtful Thursdays - Dealing With Unreasonable Customers

You know the kind I mean. These are the ones who feel your only purpose in life is to be at their beck and call, and no matter what you do to keep them satisfied, they are never happy. You have employed every sales tool to determine their needs, get their agreement, and still they not satisfied.

Don't confuse this type of customer with one who is demanding. They are related, but often the demanding customers can be reasoned with.

One of my colleagues refers kindly these customers as energy vampires.

As your business grows and time becomes even more valuable, take a few minutes to analyze how much time you spend with your unreasonable customer - is it worth it? Are you making money? Is there a need for you to have to have a loss leader? Is this customer strategically important?

Maybe it is time to let this one go. If you determine this is your best course of action, think of the consequences before you act. What is the worst that could happen if you lose them as a customer?

Meet with your customer and be very honest with them. Not every supplier can work with every prospect. History will support the fact that they appear to be unsatisfiable. If that is truly the case, there is no sense continuing the business relationship. Let them know that you appreciate their business, but they they may be happier with another supplier, remember that you are continuing to keep their best interests in mind by letting the business go.

One of two things might happen:
  • They will be happy for the opportunity and thank you.
  • They will not want to stop dealing with you; perhaps because no one else will. This opens the door to take the relationship in a direction that will serve both parties better.

Good selling,

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