Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thoughful Thursdays - Don't Sell Your Customers Something They Don't Need

I took my car into a shop yesterday to have them determine if I need to replace the suspension struts. The 9 year old car has more than 200,000 kilometers on the odometer and it runs like a clock. I felt it would be worth having this work done as the ride has deteriorated over the past few years and I was concerned other damage may be occuring as a result.

I expected the estimate to be anywhere from $700 to $1000 and was quite prepared to pay.

As it turns out, there was nothing wrong with the parts; no broken springs or leaking inserts. They even took it out for a test drive to get a first hand feel for how the car rode and handled. The ride is what to expect for a 9 year old car that has travelled over 200,000 kilometers. They would be happy to take the work, but suggested I would not notice a $900 difference in performance.

The bottom line here is that the shop had the opportunity to make the sale, but in the interest of a very satisfied customer chose to save me a lot of money.

Guess who is going to be getting a lot more of my business in the future?

Good selling,

1 comment:

  1. Great example of providing added value to your customer WITH a great sense of integrity.

