Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wise Wednesdays - A soft spot for quotes

"Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart."

"I don’t know what the key to success is, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone."

"A winner listens, a loser just waits until it is their turn to talk."

I have a soft spot for quotes. A good quote can capture the essence of an experience, or a deeper lesson in life. It can make us pause. In our busy- busy- hurry- hurry world taking the time to contemplate can be reassuring. Reaffirming. This is especially true for entrepreneurs.

Re-committ to you business idea, your passion. Everyday. Just be open on how it is to unfold.



1 comment:

  1. Me too! Distilled quotes help us so much more than double the words....
